In the context of Chilean Revolution the poet Esteban Garo wrote that poem.
I contemplate the words spread
From north to south
Between the mountains and the coast
Howls shine brightly assembled for the compromise
of the imperative revolution
we see it in the face of every protest
and we remain absorbed
before so much equality
………………………………….that it is
………………………………………………that’s what we are
and the throat flutters
and is heard among the skies
the twitter of a thousand souls
Chile woke up
And before dawn the sun is spotted
Coming out of the mountain
Recharged with abundant energy
…………………………….……………..….that it is
………………………………..…………………..………that’s what we are
asking for bread on the table
no more pesos in the accounts of sordid liars
foreign vultures
unpunished in the face of their crimes
we set off for evasion
state don’t evade our requests now
don’t force us in a take over
because today we are aware more than ever
that we are free people
……………………………..….that it is
…………………………..…………………that we are
The hands of the people are tired
Of cleaning your waste
The ears of the people are tired
Of hearing your false promises
The eyes of the people are tired
Of seeing your injustice
Their souls have risen
Asking that you go
And leave the indigenous people at peace
That you withdraw your filthy ambition
And we can collaborate again
To recover the indigenous culture
…………………………………….……..….that it is
………………………………………………….……..…that we are
we want to rewrite history
without forgetting our grandparents
that look desperate
to fill their pots another day
and that is why they will continue banging
the pans
It’s that we are tired of misery
and we have more energy than ever
to claim
and take advantage of the spring bloom
It’s that we don’t mind falling anymore
and we embrace each other and sing
to be born again united
…………………………………that it is
………………………………………….….that we are
the consumption of mere materials
not necessary for overcrowded houses
for people avid of experiences and knowledge
to go into debt buying a television
should not be an analog for education
and that’s why we come together, jump and shout
and we don’t get tired of saying
Chile has woken up
…………………………….that it is
………………………………………that we are
……………………………………………………. and that is what we will be
until the end of time
It’s not that we are at war
we are facing a workers revolution
that asks for certain accurate measures
without ambiguities
to bread, bread and to wine, wine
freedom and justice
equality without greed
dreams without barriers
humanity and unity
to continue singing, dancing and celebrating
that change is coming
and we are calling it
………………….………..that it is
……………………………………..…that we are